Mrs. K. Lawrence - Cameron

Mrs. K. Lawrence - Cameron
Physical Education Teacher

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Sprinting Techniques


Arm ActionArms should swing from the shoulder. Keep them relaxed and at approximately 90 degrees of flexion. Focus on swinging your arms in a straight line.

Body Posture Your entire body should lean forward slightly as you run. Do not bend from your waist, this will adversely affect your center of gravity and correct running mechanics. Instead the slight lean forward should come from the ground up. Try also to keep your head and trunk still and your entire body relaxed.

Ground Contact Run on the balls of your feet NOT your toes. If you think about it your toes are fairly weak and offer little or no stability.

Stride Length There is a fine line between over striding and under striding. If stride length is too great and your foot lands in front of your center of gravity it will cause you to brake.
If your stride length is too short your stride frequency will be high but you won't cover much ground. Not the most efficient use of your energy!

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